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这里需要再次解释一下,什么是所谓“无过错”责任。无过错责任者(Liability without Fault),法学界又称为严格责任(Strict Liability)、无过失责任或者危险责任(德文:Gefa hrdungshaftang)。在不同法学者的研究中,也有学者将危险责任与无过错责任略有区分,危险责任更多为近现代以来发展出的新型的规则类型,内涵比无过错责任稍宽。但总体而言,危险责任、严格责任,均为无过错责任不同的学术称谓而已。






















公共卫生治理项目首席执行官    贾平执笔














  1. 背景




  1. 基本原则


  1. 公平责任原则



  1. 包容性原则



  1. 有限性原则与相称原则






  1. 共济原则



  1. 应急优先原则



  1. 补偿申请人申请资格的确定





  1. 申请人已获得法院赔偿判决,但该判决没有得到执行或者没有得到完全执行的;


  1. 申请人经调解达成赔偿协议后,赔偿协议没有得到执行或者没有得到完全执行的;


  1. 申请人诉权无法得到行使(如法院拒绝受理,不予立案的),但可以提供病历和证明经血液感染艾滋病病毒因果关系相关证据的;


  1. 法院裁定驳回起诉或者裁定不予受理的,但可以提供病历和证明经血液感染艾滋病病毒因果关系相关证据的;


  1. 申请人没有充足的证据资料证明自身感染艾滋病病毒与输血行为或者注射第八因子的行为有直接因果关系,但通过尽职调查,发现有合理的依据(包括医学或者流行病学依据)能够证明该种因果关系存在的;




  1. 专家组审查



  1. 法院的相关司法判决与裁定及相关司法文书;


  1. 相关的调解或者赔偿/补偿协议及相关法律文本或者支持性文件;


  1. 病历及医学检查之证明;


  1. 中央及地方疾病控制机构或者医院留存的相关档案资料,包括流行病学调查的名单;申请人作为感染者的相关信息资料证明;申请人作为感染者的毒株类型以及其他涉及感染原因链的医学或者流行病学证据;


  1. 相关证人证明;


  1. 其他能够证明申请人经血液感染艾滋病病毒的合理依据;





  1. 补偿金额之确定



  1. 收入的损失或/和就业机会的丧失;


  1. 个人及其家庭对于药物和医疗服务的支出(包括补助机会性感染治疗费用);


  1. 如受害者为家庭主要劳动力,则应补偿因患艾滋病死亡后对家庭的救助;


  1. 如受害者为儿童,则需要考虑其22岁之前的入学或者培训等合理的费用开支。


  1. 因感染艾滋病病毒使得个人或者家庭陷入生活困难的,可以考虑补偿个人或者其亡故后核心家庭成员的低保费用;


  1. 责任之扣减




  1. 侵权方申请



  1. 依照约定在合理的时间内向本补偿机制归还相应的资金,或者;


  1. 通过政府转移支付的方式向本补偿机制归还相应的资金以冲销欠款,或者;


  1. 提供担保或抵押,由本补偿机制通过拍卖或者变卖的方式获得应归还的相应的资金;


  1. 建立起建立“经血液感染艾滋病病毒问题协调机制”


  1. 牵头筹建有血站工作人员、艾滋病专家、生命伦理学家、律师、社会组织、感染者或者感染者家属代表、政府工作人员(包括司法人员)参加的“经血液感染艾滋病赔偿机制工作委员会”,并制订经血液感染艾滋病赔偿机制或办法。


  1. 建立“经血液感染艾滋病病毒问题专家组”机制,来履行审查适格的社会补偿申请人资格;展开尽职调查;对“经血液感染艾滋病赔偿机制工作委员会”负责。成员可以包括:
  2. 1-2名律师/法律界人士
  3. 1-2名公共卫生界人士
  4. 1-2名伦理学人士
  5. 1名感染者或者社会组织代表
  6. 1名政府或者血站/医院代表





  1. 建立“经血液感染艾滋病病毒问题社会补偿评估小组”机制,对“经血液感染艾



  • 1-2名财务界人士
  • 1-2名律师;
  • 1-2名司法界人士;
  • 1-2名政府/血站人士;
  • 1-2名感染者/社会组织人士;




                                                                      公共卫生治理项目首席执行官    贾平执笔




Break a New Path through “Brambles and Thorns”to Compensate People Infected by HIV/AIDS Contaminated Blood


Infection of HIV (and/or HBV, HCV) through contaminated blood remains a challenge without proper solution in the past decades in mainland China. Concerns and negative reactions from both domestic and international community has been a long time trouble for government especially local authorities due to its “simple and rude” method in dealing with such issue while lack of enough transparency. Since 2010, an independent experts’ team consists of ethic scholars, legal researchers, lawyers and health professionals has been organized and after long time research, proposed a comprehensive compensation plan[1]for the problem solution. The sensitivity of the issue makes it a hard journey with controversies for the experts’ team and lead to the stagnation of implementation of the compensation plan[2].


There are two controversial points about the above-mentioned plan. First, as some people argued, the “no fault liability” proposed in the compensation plan as a basic compensation principle would rather means “exempt those criminal government officers from being punished”[3]. Despite repeated explanations from the experts’ team, they insisted that the government officers who constituted crimes on the issue must be brought to justice and the word “no fault” means no mistake thus no crime. This implies that the prosecution for those “government officers” or related people’s criminal liability should be regarded as a precondition for civil liability for compensation of tort, rather as a parallel one.


Second, people argued or were encouraged to argue that blood transfusion compensation should work along with compensation for infected with HIV through blood selling in the same proposed plan (some farmer representatives who infected with HIV through blood selling in Henan were main supporters of the argument although they changed their opinion later. It was believed that Beijing AIZHIXING Institute has organized dozens of those farmer representatives from Henan to join the experts’ conference on infection of HIV/AIDS through contaminated blood in July 4, 2011 and then in December 12-13, 2011 joined the Beijing Red Ribbon Forum’s Annual Plenary on Blood Transfusion)[4]. The arguments said if the compensation does not cover the PLHIV through blood selling, which would mean to help the government to hide or window-dress the contradictions.


Here we should again make explanation for the so called “no fault” liability, which legal academia also called “strict liability” or Dangerous liability (Gefa hrdungshaftang in German). In general, they are the different academic terminology for the same principle of identification of responsibility in torts, although dangerous liability may be broader to some extent under different context.


As a terminology of Civil Law (Torts), the Strict Liability (No Fault Liability) actually means “compensation even without any fault subjectively”, which means the argument above was totally wrong (and a opposing perception actually) due to lack of fully understanding of the terminology.


Further, as a civil law liability principle, the Strict Liability as a principle can not apply to Criminal Liability or Administrative liability, which means the so called government officers whose behavior constituted criminal offense can be punished through criminal procedure while at the same time the civil liability of compensation should not be exempted.


In the case of blood transfusion, the subject of the civil liability are the hospitals, blood stations, while those decision makers or government officers are the Subject of criminal liability. The civil liability and criminal/administrative liability could be processed respectively. If the investigation of criminal liability be regarded as the precondition of the civil one, from my understanding, it can only lead to the following consequences to a large extent:


  1. The hospitals, blood stations and the interests group behind may take advantage to escape from the huge amount of compensation liability, or just postpone it as the initiation of criminal procedure is extreme hard due to the sensitive circumstance till now while people infected of HIV are dying;


  1. Once the civil compensation liability become investigating of Criminal liability or, as some people claimed publicly, the political responsibility of the government officers involved since 20 years ago, the result can only be the suspension of processing the civil compensation plan and even those open-minded government officers who supported the plan had to step back due to scare of the intervention from some government entities (which actually happened)


  1. It seems there is always a big market for claiming of “political responsibility of Chinese Government” internationally, under such background the support or sympathy from some government officers will be interpreted as “Government instigated or Government ordered” as always and thus increase the mutual misunderstanding between China and the international community


  1. If the problem can’t be solved---or any possible solution is in stagnation, the problem itself will become a “weight” for “political and economical interests” from time to time or even “permanently” in the foreseeable future. Once the civil compensation plan for blood transfusion prove to be a “stillborn fetus”, then there would be concerns on  China taking no action on this human rights violation challenge while China itself still regard it as a political taboo thus make it the source of new problems.


The argument of combining compensation for blood transfusion and blood selling together is also a problematic one. According to civil law theory, the legal problem can only be solved within one “legal relation” (or Rechtsverhaltnis in German). The two different legal relations can’t be solved together, for the subject or the object of the legal relation will be totally different. For the blood transfusion, the legal relation is between the hospitals (or blood stations/companies which produce the VIII Factor) and the victims of the blood transfusion (people who infected with HIV). The legal relation of the blood selling is between “blood heads” who organized the blood selling and those who sell their blood and thus infected with HIV (mainly farmers in the Central China) and thus much more complicated. The interests group behind the blood heads such as the corruptive government officers should be punished but the different legal relations make it impossible to combine with the civil compensation together. In fact, if the compensation plan for blood transfusion proves to be a successful story, more meaningful experience will be gained and political trust will be built for blood selling compensation in the near future. We do not agree with that the compensation of blood transfusion should be combined with blood selling problems, for that is a mission impossible - sometimes, “killing two birds with one stone” strategy does not work for its goal, On the other hand, we do not exclude any possibility of processing the two “compensation” separately and in parallel”.


We have to face with a series of non-traditional crisis, among which is challenge of public health. There are two approaches in dealing with this kind of crisis: one is trying to control or reduce the risks through a series of procedures before it happens, another is to compensate through a reasonable mechanism after the crisis become reality so as to achieve the social justice. Based on the legal theory of “Strict Liability” in post-industrial era, we proposed the plan for problem solution: to both stakeholders and decision makers. To review and double check the public policy in dealing with the HIV infection through blood transfusion in the past will definitely help us to find a new mechanism for problem solving and thus provide a new perspective in dealing with public health challenges in the future. But what more important is, as the story of compensation plan mentioned above show to us, is how to reach consensus under the much more complicated social environment in China.


This issue of Health Governance E-Newsletter (previously China Global Fund Watch E-Newsletter) publishes the Establishment of Compensation Mechanism of People Infected with HIV/AIDS Contaminated Blood which is the core plan of the compensation plan mentioned above. Readers can find the full text of the Compensation Plan (Chinese Version) through the linkage http://www.bjrrforum.org/ or http://www.cgfwatch.org/files/A.pdf.


                                                                                                                      By Jia Ping, CEO of the Health Governance Initiative



Policy Recommendations: Core Plan of the Establishment of Compensation Mechanism of People Infected by HIV/AIDS Contaminated Blood



  1. Background

Three types of cases of people infected by blood contaminated with HIV/AIDS can be found in mainland China. The first type is the infection through retro-transfusion of erythrocytes (Red Cell) after trading blood in rural areas in many cities and provinces which are centered in Henan. The second type is the exposure through surgery transfusion by contaminated blood from illegal blood trade, among those many of which are compulsive transfusion.  The last type of exposure concerns hemophiliacs who came into contact with infection during their treatment which requires injection of a blood product called FVIII (Factor VIII), many of those coming from Shanghai Institute of Biological Products.


  1. Fundamental Principles
  2. Fair Responsibility

The number of People Infected by HIV/AIDS Contaminated Blood is huge, but for some historical reasons the survivors are quite limited. The blood recipients that got infected are victims, therefore the compensation is justified. It is groundless to reject their request. The aim to establish the mechanism of social compensation is to implement justice by insuring victims justifiable compensation. As a result, the principle of fair responsibility is highlighted-the compensation is guaranteed to People Infected by HIV/AIDS Contaminated Blood, whether the blood provider is faulty or not.


  1. Inclusiveness

The goal of this program should be to maximize the amount of compensation distributed.


  1. Limitation and Relevance/Proportionality

Due to the social nature of the mechanism in this draft, the compensation shall not be a substitute to judiciary and state compensation. The full compensation cannot be guaranteed to all victims because of the limited resources.

The compensation should be proportionate to the infection/damage. Other stakeholders might bear extra “burden” because of the compensation, but the “burden” is to enhance the welfare of the society as a whole, therefore it is quite necessary, and better, affordable.


  1. Cooperativeness

All stakeholders should be cooperative in compensating People Infected by HIV/AIDS Contaminated Blood


  1. Priority

The order of compensation should be prioritized based on the financial status of the victims/families and personal request.


  1. Qualification of Compensation Applicants

Compensation should be available to all those infected by contaminated blood in mainland China.  The key step is to insure the existence of transfusion or injection of The Eighth Factor, and its direct causal relationship to HIV/AIDS infection.

As a result, applicants for the compensation should qualify any of the criteria as follow:

  1. The applicant has already received the verdict of compensation by court, but the verdict is not, or not fully carried into execution.
  2. The applicant has reached the compensation agreement after mediation, but the agreement is not, or fully carried into execution.
  3. The right of suit of applicant cannot be exercised (e.g. rejected by the court, denied registration), but the applicant can provide medical records and statements as evidences to prove the causal relationship between the infection and injection of contaminated blood.
  4. The applicant’s request has been overruled or ruled not to be registered by the court, but the applicant can provide medical records and statements as evidences to prove the causal relationship between the infection and injection of contaminated blood.
  5. The applicant can’t provide enough evidence to prove the causal relationship between the infection and injection of contaminated blood or The Eighth Factor, but adequate evidence (including medical or epidemic evidence) is found through investigation to prove the causal relationship between the infection and injection of contaminated blood.


In case of death of qualified applicant, or death during the application, the first successor in order shall become the legitimate applicant. Should there be no first successor in order, the second successor in order shall become the applicant, so on so forth. If the infected individual is under 18, the guardian shall become the acting applicant.


  1. Expert Examination

Once the causal relationship is confirmed, the applicant is qualified with preliminary condition. The applicant qualification shall be decided and confirmed by the committee consisted of experts specializing in relevant areas. The expert committee should examine and inspect the application materials based on pre-established procedures.


The required application materials shall include, but are not limited to:

  1. Judicial decision and documents;
  2. Mediation on compensation/agreement, or legal text, or supporting document
  3. Medical records and medical examination certificate
  4. Documents from Central and local hospitals or CDCs, including the list of epidemiological research; proof of applicant as a PLWHA; the virulent strain type that applicant carries, and medical or epidemiological evidence of infection.
  5. Witness Testimony
  6. Other evidence that gives a reasonable basis for verifying the infection through contaminated blood.
  7. In order to confirm the causal relationship, it is important to eliminate the possibility of exposure through other resources.


  1. Compensation Amount

The range and amount of compensation are to be confirmed, which include

  1. Loss of income and vocational opportunity
  2. Personal and family cost on medicine and medical services (including cost on opportunistic infection)
  3. If the victim is the family primary income provider, the compensation for victim family should be provided after victim's death.
  4. If the victim's age is below 18, the expense of education or training before 22 years old shall be taken into consideration when compensating.
  5. If the infection leads to economic crisis for individual or family, the compensation may cover the basic cost of living of core family members after the victim's death.


  1. Responsibility Deduction

The social compensation mechanism is not a substitute to judicial and other state procedures of compensation. However, if the applicant receives social compensation from this mechanism and judicial or state compensation, the amount of the social compensation shall be deducted from the total amount of the latter two ways, unless the agreement states otherwise.


  1. Application of Tort Party

The tort party unable to provide People Infected by HIV/AIDS Contaminated Blood compensation amount decided by court, or cannot reach the agreement on compensation to People Infected by HIV/AIDS Contaminated Blood, shall apply through certain procedure to the Mechanism for allowance to perform his duty. However, the tort party should:

  1. Return the amount of the allowance to the Mechanism in appointed time, or
  2. Return the amount of the allowance through government transfer payment to write it off, or
  3. Provide warrant or mortgage for auction or disposal in exchange of the compensation amount.


  1. Establishing Coordination Mechanism of People Infected by HIV/AIDS Contaminated Blood
  2. Coordination Mechanism of People Infected by HIV/AIDS Contaminated Blood is to be established, consisted of workers from blood band, experts in HIV/AIDS, (ethics) scholars, lawyers, social organization, representatives of PLWHA and their families, government staff (including judicial personnel). The compensation mechanism of People Infected by HIV/AIDS Contaminated Blood is to be formulated.
  3. A team of experts is to be established to evaluate the candidateship of the qualified applicants. Thorough inspection is to be initiated. The expert mechanism is responsible for the working committee. The expert mechanism may be consisted of:
  4. 1-2 lawyers/legal professionals
  5. 1-2 professionals in public health
  6. 1-2 scholars in ethnics
  7. 1 representative of PLWHAs or social organization
  8. 1 representative of government, blood band or hospital


Choice of members should accord with the principle of avoidance except for the representatives of PLWHAs and government.


The members of the mechanism should submit inspection report to the working committee.


  1. The assessment mechanism of People Infected by HIV/AIDS Contaminated Blood is to be established, and be responsible for the working committee. The assessment group shall assess the compensation independently.


The members can be:

  • 1-2 financial professionals
  • 1-2 lawyers
  • 1-2 legal professionals
  • 1-2 government staff/ workers of blood bank
  • 1-2 representatives of PLWHAs/social organization


The members of the mechanism should submit assessment report to the working committee.



                         By Jia Ping, CEO of the Health Governance Initiative

[1]The Drafters of the compensation plan are: Qiu Rengzong (Professor, CASS; Member, UNAIDS Human Rights Reference Group)), Zhai Xiaomei (Professor of Peking Union Medical College; Ethic Working Committee of China STD & AIDS Association), Jia Ping (Lawyer, CEO of Health Governance Initiative), Dai Suna (Beijing Municipal Blood Center), Liu Wei (Lawyer, Beijing Chen Zhihua Law Firm). Zhang Tao(Health Governance Initiative)and Sui Suli(Peking Union Medical College) also provide their suggestions.



[3]Wan Yanhai, “No Fault Liability is improper for the Government is committing crimes”, CHINA AIDS GROUP Email List, 06/07/2011.

[4]Just one day before the Plenary(12/12/2011), AIZHIXING Institute suddenly “soften” its attitude. See Wan Yanhai, “AIZHIXING Institute’s position on compensation and care for PLHIV through Blood Transfusion and Commercial Blood Sale”. 




[2] http://money.163.com/11/0727/10/79V9PTT000253B0H.html http://money.163.com/11/0725/11/79Q977IV00253B0H.html#from=relevant

[3]万延海:《政府犯罪正在进行时,不宜提出“无过错补偿”》, 见CHINA AIDS GROUP邮件组,2011年7月6日。

[4]在该大会举办的前一天即2011年12月12日,爱知行研究所的态度突然有所松动,见万延海:《北京爱知性研究所关于输血、有偿献血艾滋病患者赔偿与关怀的立场说明》,见CHINA AIDS GROUP邮件组,2011年12月12日。 






49篇文章 4年前更新

法律与公共政策学者,公共卫生治理中心执行主任,美国德克萨斯州圣玛丽大学法学院兼任教授;毕业于华东政法学院和中国人民大学法学院。中国自然辩证法研究会生命伦理学专业委员会副理事长;美国亚洲协会Fellow;达沃斯世界经济论坛青年领袖(2009-2015);曾任抗击艾滋病、结核与疟疾的全球基金(The Global Fund)国家协调委员会代表和全球基金监管机构(AIDSPAN)理事会理事,以及投资银行律师;美国哥伦比亚大学国际关系学院人权研究中心访问学者,并在国内多所院校任客座教授或研究员。 主要作品有《萌芽中的民主--2006/7艾滋病非政府组织选举》、《生命的权利》(译著)、《自由与枷锁——性倾向和同性婚姻的法律问题研究》(副主编)等。 电邮:jiaping@healthgovernance.org
